I had a request from
a blogger, http://literaturefrenzy.blogspot.ca
to make a protective cover for his E-reader.
Are E-readers or E-books
one of the must have fads for the future? The E-readers are portable, weightless yet fragile, they have
a long battery life and a readable screens ... especially in the bright sunlight.
The best part is the E-reader can store thousands of books depending on your
storage model which may encourage you to read more. While the E-reader is this convenient small device which one can tuck into your purse or small bag. My experience with the E-reader is that I find this slick black mobile device erases my reading adventure compared to a hard cover book. I miss the tangibility feeling of a real book, the smell of a book, to touch the paper pages and also running my fingers and turning the crisp pages. The E-reader does clear up all that shelf space but give me a book any day!
With the E-reader, it feels like every book I read is the same experience (other than the words), the touching and pressing of the buttons. I decided for this challenge, I would create a simple DIY project using an hardcover book to bring the old and new together.
Let's get started!
Find a hard cover book that is thicker than your E-reader.
Make sure the book is an 1/2 inch longer and wider in total on all sides (this book was a bit short on the sides but doable and I love the title of the book : Ten Eternal Questions ).
I would not suggest cutting up any priceless First Editions.
Cut out the inside pages from the book while being careful not to damage the spine with the utility knife. You will be left with the outer covers and the book spine. Cut and save one of the pages from the inside pages to cover the exposed spine at a later stage.
Center your E-reader on the back cover and mark a dot on both sides for the top and bottom. These markings will be punched (or drilled).
Punch or drill the 4 holes through the back cover.
Cut 2 pieces of 1/4 inch elastic and thread one through the top 2 holes and do the same for the bottom two holes.
Stretch the elastic tight enough to be able hold your E-reader firmly (you may need to adjust the elastic). Trim off any excess elastic.
Run a few stitches with matching thread and needle through the elastics to hold the ends (or hot glue the ends). Repeat for the bottom holes.
Measure and cut the polar fleece for the left inner cover. Glue down tightly.
The polar fleece will protect your E-reader screen. How cool is that !
Now you will have that wonderful feeling of holding a book in your hand.
Happy Reading!
I got the link from Literature Frenzy. This is so creative, I so want one of these!