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Week 3 ( Save $3 )
With just weeks into this new year, December 2015 (the month of Christmas), feels like a long time ago.
This January, I noticed that spirit of kindness and giving totally dissipating and disappearing from people's hearts. It feels like it got packed away for another year along with the artificial tree and decorations and it only can be pulled out during that one month of the year in December.
But resolving to be kinder everyday has no reservations especially just for the holidays. The spirit of compassion, good will, hope and encouragement should be a way of life we can give the whole year round.

One of the most powerful and unconditional gifts doesn't have to cost a nickel. Whether it be lending a helping hand or single act of kindness, it always create a lateral domino effect. Can you imagine a world wide difference if everyone one of us on this Earth made that daily meaningful act of human kindness. Total Awesomeness!
Here are a few heartfelt ways to share yourself and give to others:
- Buy a meal for a homeless person
- Drop in on a friend
- Donate your time and or goods at your local food bank
- Bake treats
- Reach out to elderly or neighbour: whether it be a visit, a food drop off, housework, etc
- Donate at youth or women's shelters
- Volunteer your time at Animal shelter
- Visit a senior resident home
- Offer to babysit
- Donate toys or used items to your local Salvation Army
- Pay for strangers coffee
- Help out at a charity drive
- Give a virtual thanks or just a thank you!
- A smile :)
- just a simple acknowledgment to others can make a difference in their day :)
Feel free to comment below with your random acts you have done or planning to do this 2016.
Just do something thoughtful, " Just Because "
How about Supporting our men and women veterans