Week 4 ( Save $4 )
Is there a secret formula to living a happy life and living the dream?
Here is a story that has always had an impact on my life and I hope it will inspire you to have a joyful fulfilled outlook on your life.
Unknown Author and the story goes:
He was fifty-five years old, had a bowl full of marbles, and felt terrific. It was unknown territory for Bill, who for years had been unhappy with his life and didn't see any hope for a brighter future.
He was fifty-five years old, had a bowl full of marbles, and felt terrific. It was unknown territory for Bill, who for years had been unhappy with his life and didn't see any hope for a brighter future.
Today he is
a changed man. It doesn't matter what happens to him,
Bill responds to it calmly and smiles. Nothing can get to
him, and everything makes him feel good about his life and
his future.
What was Bill's secret?
Well, on average, people live to be
seventy-five years old. Some longer, some shorter, but the average
person will reach this age. Realizing this, on a sunny
Saturday afternoon, Bill did some simple calculations to
figure out that the average person has 3,900 Saturdays in
his or her lifetime.
Being fifty-five, Bill had 1,000
Saturdays left to live. He went to a small toy store in town, and
bought every marble they had, 1,000 in all. Later that
night, he placed all of the marbles in a large glass bowl that
he placed in the living room.
As each Saturday passed, he would take
one marble out of the bowl and throw it away. Bill
watched as the bowl's contents diminish, and he realized that
he didn't have forever to create a happier life. Each day he felt negatively about his life was one less day he had to be happy.
After making the marbles a part of his life, his new attitude enabled him to fix the areas in his life that were lacking. Before he felt powerless to change anything and only wished for things to improve without doing anything. Now he was taking positive actions to create a life that made him feel good.
Just remember that Life is not about how much money you make, how many material things you own or how important people think you are.
The fact is: We all have a certain amount of marbles left in a jar and the reality is, we cannot live forever. So often we struggle for the life we dreamt of but at what point will you decide to make that change? How many more marbles do you have to throw out before you start figuring out that your time on this earth is running out before you can make that change towards your goal.
Today is the day and the time is now! So get excited and get on the right path and make the most of everyday and make every single marble count in your life!
Happy Marble Shopping!
Thank You for helping me look at my life in a different perspective. You are so right about wasting those precious marbles. Life is too short and my marbles are limited.