Week 41 ( Save $41 )
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Everyone has their own favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe...why not bake a giant cookie to impress your friends or family!

On a pizza pan, spread your batter on to a standard 12 " pizza pan. (I had to cover this pan with foil because this pizza pan had ventilated holes.)

Start by making the dough into a one round ball and place the dough on the lightly greased pan.
Start flattening the dough and spread the cookie dough evening to the edge of the pan. Do not spread any dough over the edge of the pan.
Bake the cookie at 350 F for 22-25 minutes until edge begins to brown.
Note: the cookie will rise and spread right to the edge of the pan.

Remove the pan and cool completely if you are planning to decorate the cookie. If not, start eating!!
I decorated this cookie with yellow cardboard off a box. Cut some circles and drew some faces and TADA!!!... A Giant Emoji Cookie!!
I melted 1 chocolate chip per circle to hold emoji's in place. Clear wrapped the cookie and pan.
What an awesome gift! Two gifts in one!
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