Week 8 ( Save $8 )
With this simple method, you can make these fortune cookies anytime. Customize the little paper fortune for what ever the occasion. What an ideal fun gift!!

Next you will need little fortune messages to insert into each individual cookie. You can either type and print out a sheet of fortunes and cut down to 2 -2.5 inches x 5/8 inch. Print enough messages and cut down. Or you hand write each message on tab post-it notes. They are the ideal perfect size.
Look for a bowl or a glass tumbler that has a thin rim for shaping the cookie. Keep the printed messages close by and now you are ready to start microwaving the cookies.

Note: The paper towel and cookie will be hot. The cookie will be softer and you have to work really quick because it just takes seconds before the air hits the cookie and it starts to harden again. Approximately 10 seconds.
Open the paper towel and quickly insert the fortune message while it's still in the microwave. Fold the paper towel over the cookie and fold the cookie over while pinching the edges of the cookie, it will resemble a taco.

Hold for a few seconds and remove the paper towel quickly (the paper towel may stick to the cookie ). Place the cookie on a tray to dry by turning them over a few times.
Keep dampen the paper towel each time you microwave the cookie. If you find the cookie has harden before you get it to fold over. Just simply sprinkle some more water on the paper towel and microwave again. It just takes practice and at the end of the process you would have become an expert fortune cookie maker. Plus you would have figured out what method works or does not work for you.
Add your twist to the finished cookies, dip one side in chocolate, adding sprinkles, the possibilities are endless! Yum!
**Note: that the cookies have two sides. The top finished more polished fancier side and the bottom which I call the wrong side. It really does not matter whether you fold the cookies on which sides if you are not too fussy.
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