
Tuesday 8 July 2014


                                                                                             Week 28 ( Save $28 )


I know we are officially into the summer when those annoying pesky mosquito are biting me alive ! Apparently, only the female mosquitoes are the culprit biters.  They can smell their dinner up to 50 meters away and they only target certain people.  I always seem to be on their dinner menu as their daily special. I guess they just love the sweet taste of my blood !

I wear scent free products,  I wear light color clothing, I eat a lot of garlic (the garlic seem to keep my friends at bay), and bananas. I still get chewed alive ! 

My other alternative if I want to be outdoors is to stop breathing.  That way I will no longer let out any more carbon dioxide to attract the attention from those blood suckers...I don't think that is going to be happening very soon !

There are effective insect repellents sprays, such as DEET, which is very harsh chemical spray on to keep mosquitoes away.  Some people splash themselves with Avon's Skin So Soft while others swear carrying a bounce sheet in their back pocket does the trick. I will give the bounce sheet a try since it's a simple alternative and I will see how effective that is.
Here are a few natural kitchen remedies that may help with the itchiness after the bite. Just remember, some remedies work for one person and may not be affective to others :
  • Apple cider or white vinegar can reduce the swelling and stop the itching due to the acidity content in the vinegar.  Dab the area with a cotton ball.

  • Baking soda mixed with water can be used as a paste.  Apply the paste to the affected area

  • Crush Tums is another alternative if you do not have baking soda on hand

  • Use cool tea bags to soothe the affected area as a compress

  • Cut a lemon or lime into pieces and rub the affected area.  The citrus acid will get rid of the itch.

  • Rubbing with the inside of a banana peel can relieve the itch in minutes due to the oils in the peel.

  • Try dabbing honey, it can soothe the affected area.

  • Onions and raw potatoes can alleviate the itch.

  • The inside of an cracked egg shell, use the flexible member and cover the bite.  As the membrane dries, it will draw out some of the toxins.

  • Toothpaste, mouth wash, deodorant, may relieve the itch.

  • Vicks vapour Rub contains menthol and camphor oils and both of the ingredients may help stop the itching.

If you know of any other natural remedies, do share it with us so we all can have a bite free summer!

1 comment:

  1. I found that Vicks vapour rub stopped the itching and inflammation.
